Dear @Everyone,

thank you for rising to the challenge and making our lives miserable. 😂

We kid we kid, we love you guys and are very happy to bring you our Probably Nothing v2 Holder tiers and a Special Something.

Below are two graphics:

The holder tiers.. graphic ****showcases our five new tiers ranging from 10,000 PN (bronze) up to a 1,000,000 (diamond hands).

We also provide a light description of the benefits, as well as the rewards that come with each tier. We will be providing a more detailed overview in gitbook soon.


The Genesis NFT.. graphic (this is our special something 😉) gives you a high-level overview of the benefits of holding a Genesis NFT.

First off we want to thank you for all of your patience and trust. Our first order of business is to give all current holders of 100M+ $PN this NFT for free!

All you have to do is pay for gas.


So let’s get into what the Genesis NFT is all about.

Welcome to Season I

The Probably Nothing Genesis NFT is your key to the ecosystem. Genesis will be integrated into everything we do, from the start. Hey it’s called Genesis. Everything we develop will be enhanced by holding a Genesis NFT, providing additional access and an upgraded experience.

NFTs will be the standard way all software is licensed. But more than that, NFTs will gate video calls, paid content, and in person events just to name a few. Genesis will be your key to opening these gates; and when coupled with a holder tier, they provide a powerful combination. Holder tier benefits increase as you move up a tier, but a Genesis NFT is needed in order to boost those rewards. This makes the Genesis NFT extremely valuable to anyone coming into the project post v1, who will only be able to buy one on the secondary market (if they are lucky).

We are also excited to introduce non-fungible experiences (NFEs), 1-of-1 events that will be introduced dynamically as we go. Share a meal with PN team members at NFTNYC? Let’s do it. Non-fungible experiences will be one of the most important reasons to join the community.

As we start to integrate Open Source Business into all aspects of the project, moving the community closer to decision making, many of these non-fungible experiences will need to be voted on. Think of it as a Choose Your Own Adventure book, only with IRL benefits. To that end, Genesis will also act as your voting mechanism for these community driven initiatives.

So how do I get one?

As a way to thank the community for coming on this journey with us, anybody holding 100M or more PN v1 when they swap to v2 is eligible to claim a Genesis NFT. Supply will be very limited and unknown until all NFTs are fully claimed. Outside of the NFTs distributed to v1 holders, the team will only mint and hold an additional 10% of the total supply in the treasury for contests, giveaways, partners, advisors and future employees.

To receive the Genesis NFT, all v1 holders must swap their v1 tokens for v2 tokens, and hold the original amount you swapped when the claim period goes live 30 days after the swap ends. v1 holders are still able to trade their v2 tokens as long as they maintain the minimum swap amount when the claim period opens.