
Kidnapped by Fungibles is the latest in a series of contests aimed at increasing trading volume and serotonin levels.


How are winners picked?

  1. The top four wallet holders with the most amount of $PRBLY purchased (measured in USD purchase value) over the contest time period.
  2. The median six wallet holders with the most amount of $PRBLY purchased (measured in USD purchase value; please see the ‘other six winners’ below for how this will be calculated).

What can we win?

The top four wallet holders will be flown into Los Angeles, where an Uber black car will whisk you away to your hotel. Relax, order some room service, watch a movie; just make sure to get some rest so you are ready for what’s to come next.

The next day the winners will be given a time to meet out front of the hotel where Fungibles will be waiting in a Rolls Royce. At some point during your journey, Fungibles will ask you to turn off your cell phones and put on a blindfold. When the blindfold comes off you will have arrived at his house where you will spend the day at his hostage pool party.



In between jacuzziing, eating Kobe steaks cooked by Fungibles, and after a martini or two, Fungibles will hold a masterclass in business where you were learn how to start your own company, create a vision, design a brand, build a product, hire the right people, raise money, and how to set your company up for an exit.

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