Hi everybody there’s been a lot of confusion around the contest for Kidnapped and rightfully so.

I’ll take the blame on this one because I changed some things in both the rules and in the technology, thinking I was setting it up the way I had intended.

The leaderboard currently shows all transactions (purchases) since we started the contest.

This structure is correct for the median winners, but incorrect for the top 4 winners.

However the rules for the contest overview in Notion are correct for the top 4 winners, while one of the rules for the median winners is incorrect.

Before I explain the rules more clearly, here is what what we’re doing to fix it:

  1. Audie will work with Anand to update the leaderboard to ensure it’s correct for the top 4 winners. Most likely will break apart the top 4 and median winners into two different sections, since the top 4 needs to show accumulated, while the median needs to be the median of all transactions.
  2. Audie is going to write up something that will help people understand how to best play the game and share that on Discord.

Median Issue

On the contest overview Notion page at the top for median winners I say..


However down below where we explain the contest in more detail I say..


This explanation is correct. And the leaderboard is currently correct as well, as it’s showing every single purchase transaction since the beginning.

To that end, I have updated the copy on the contest overview on Notion to reflect that median winners will be selected from the median of all transactions, not accumulated. It now says:

The wallets with the six median buys from all $PRBLY buys since the start of the contest (explanation below)

Top 4 Issue

As I pointed out above the copy is correct on the Notion for the top 4 winners, explaining how it’s the most amount of $PRBLY purchased since the beginning of the contest, however on the leaderboard itself it’s currently showing all of the purchase transactions since the beginning, and that needs to be cumulative.